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Protection of the 个人资料 of the users of its Web site is of great importance for Manitowoc.


马尼托瓦克公司.,总部设在美国(“马尼托瓦克”),拥有并运营其网站在 www.马尼托瓦克.com (“网站”). Protection of the 个人资料 of the users of its Web site is of great importance for Manitowoc.

为了这个目的, Manitowoc commits to carry out processing of 个人资料 in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations in the countries from which its users access and use Web site, 包括欧洲通用数据保护条例(称为“GDPR”).

因此, 保护您的个人资料, we have created this Global Online 隐私政策 (“隐私政策”) which describes the types of data we collect when you visit our Web site, 特别是当你订阅名为“马尼托瓦克直销”的特定子区域时, 以及我们如何保护和使用这些个人数据.

This privacy policy governs your browsing on the Web site as well as the procurement of “Manitowoc Direct” services. 因此, 通过访问网站和使用Manitowoc Direct服务, 您同意并接受本隐私政策的条款.


1. 我们收集了什么样的数据?

当您访问我们的网站时, 我们会自动收集技术数据,例如您的IP地址, 您访问我们网站时使用的终端类型和网络浏览器, 以便为您提供更好的网站连接. We may also detail your activity and preferences when visiting our Web site (see "饼干", below).

此外, 如果您选择订阅Manitowoc Direct服务, we require you to provide the following 个人资料 to create and manage your account:

  • 姓名和联系方式, 比如你的姓和名, 专业邮箱地址, 专业的通讯地址和专业的电话号码
  • 凭证 (密码),用于身份验证和访问.
  • 专业的数据:如工作职位和公司名称, information about the product you own to help us providing you with the best level of service / information.
  • 除了, you may receive from us an optional pop-up survey requesting your experience and personal views regarding our Web site, 产品及服务.


2. 我们根据什么法律依据收集您的数据?

We collect and process technical data as well as the 个人资料 you provide upon subscription to the Manitowoc Direct services on the basis of the necessity of such processing for performance of a contract to which you are a party, 也就是网站.

We collect and process 个人资料 regarding your activity and personal preferences through cookies on the basis of your consent, 同意使用cookie时所表达的内容(见下文“cookie”).

We may also use 个人资料 regarding your browsing of the Web site to monitor security of this Web site and/or for troubleshooting purposes. This processing is based on Manitowoc’s legitimate interest in improving its own services.


3. 我们如何使用您的个人资料?


  • 提供您在使用本网站时要求我们提供的信息和服务, 比如下载, 工具, 规格信息和促销,
  • 响应您的客户服务要求(订单、保修、培训);
  • to provide our supplier with supply chain collaboration 工具 (order, forecast, deliveries),
  • to operate our Web site, and optimize the way you access to our product information and services,
  • 给你发送时事通讯, 杂志订阅, 市场信息, 产品, 您所要求的服务和优惠,
  • 发送管理电子邮件(例如,如果您忘记了密码),
  • to monitor our Web site and detect / prevent a security breach of our Server or Web site.


4. 我们是否共享您的个人数据?

We do not share or sell your 个人资料 to third-parties which have no affiliation to our Company.

我们可能会与我们的关联公司共享(但不会出售)您的个人数据, vendors or consultants (“Affiliates”) who work directly with us to provide you with information and services you request. Those Affiliates are not permitted to use your 个人资料 for any purpose other than to assist us in providing you with information and services you request or for the Company’s internal use.


5. 你如何访问 & 控制你的个人资料?


  • 查阅你的个人资料及可携性你的个人资料;
  • 要求更正或删除您的个人资料;
  • 要求限制处理您的个人资料;
  • 撤销您同意处理您的个人资料, 如果此类处理是基于您的同意,
  • 如果你是欧洲居民, provide instructions to Manitowoc regarding the use of your 个人资料 after your death.

Such rights need to be exercised towards Manitowoc DPO _ Data Protection Officer_ via an email to DPO-GDPR@马尼托瓦克.com. 为了行使这些权利, you have to provide proof of your identity by providing an official and valid document of identity (e.g. 身份证、驾照…….


6. 我们可以保留多久 个人资料?

饼干 processed during your visit of the Web site are kept for retention period mentioned in the Manitowoc 饼干的政策.

关于你订阅马尼托瓦克直销服务, we keep the 个人资料 you have communicated to us for the creation of your account for Manitowoc Direct as long as you use your account with Manitowoc Direct or its applications.

当你不再使用它的时候, 您的密码将在90天后过期, then we’ll keep your 个人资料 for 3 years from your last connection to your account. 在这个延迟之后, 您的帐户将被删除, 除非适用法律要求保存更长时间.


7. 我们把你的个人资料保存在哪里?

关于个人资料的国际转移, 我们遵循相应国家的要求,包括, 例如, the use of standard contractual clauses for transfers of 个人资料 outside of the 欧洲an Union


8. 饼干

我们的网站包含电子“cookies”. “cookie”是网站保存在你电脑上的一个小文本文件, 移动PC, 智能手机, 数字平板电脑, 等. 当您访问该网站时. 它可以分析您的行为并记住您的偏好(登录), 语言, 显示偏好).


  • 帮助您个性化地访问我们的网站,
  • 为了记录您对本网站的访问,
  • 改善您使用我们网站的体验,并记录您的在线活动.


请参阅我们的 饼干的政策 欲知详情.

您可以通过调整浏览器沙巴体育官方下载网址来禁用cookies. 如果您禁用cookie,您可能无法访问我们网站的某些区域.


9. 保护个人资料的保安措施

我们采取商业上合理的措施来保护和保护您的个人数据. The Manitowoc information security program combines all aspects to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations in respect of (i) protection against unauthorized disclosures, (ii)确保诚信, 处理系统的可用性和弹性, and (iii) maintaining the ability to restore the availability and access to the Personal Data being processed in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident.

然而, no internet data transmission is ever completely secure and we cannot guarantee that we will eliminate all risk of misuse of your 个人资料 by intruders or persons who intercept that transmission before it reaches our Web site.


10. 孩子们

我们不会故意向13岁以下儿童索取个人资料. 如果你未满13岁, 您只能在父母或监护人的协助和同意下使用我们的网站.


11. 链接

This Web site contains links to other Manitowoc sites which may contain their own privacy policies, 因为他们的业务性质. 此外,本网站包含指向某些非由Manitowoc运营的网站的链接. Those sites are likely to have privacy policies which differ from the privacy policy of Manitowoc. 提供这些链接是为了方便, but Manitowoc does not endorse those sites and is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those sites. 在访问这些网站时,请参阅这些网站的隐私政策.


12. 适用法律

除非当地法律明令禁止, 本协议受威斯康辛州法律管辖, 美利坚合众国.



13. 向地方当局投诉

You may at any time lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding Manitowoc’s collection and processing of your 个人资料. 在法国,你可以向法院投诉 yann padova 机构. 在德国,你可以向 BFDI 机构.


14. 隐私政策的变更

Manitowoc保留随时更新本隐私政策条款的权利, 在这种情况下,您将通过网站上的显示方式得到通知.


15. 问题?

Please contact us with any questions you may have about this 隐私政策 or our privacy practices, at DPO-GDPR@马尼托瓦克.com.

For any questions relating to your “Manitowoc Direct” services account, please contact us at DPO-GDPR@马尼托瓦克.com.

Manitowoc has appointed a Data Protection Officer that you can contact for any questions relating to the processing of your 个人资料 via email at DPO-GDPR@马尼托瓦克.com,或寄信至:

  • 法国马尼托瓦克,66 Chemin du Moulin Carron, 69570法国达迪利
  • Manitowoc Germany GmbH, Industriestraße, 26389 Wilhelmshaven, Germany



按年计算, California residents have the right to receive information about third parties with whom we share your 个人资料, 如果有任何, 在上一历年用于营销目的, 以及对我们共享的个人数据类别的描述. 如欲索取此信息,请发送电子邮件至我们的网站管理员 DPO-GDPR@马尼托瓦克.com. 我们将在收到您的请求后三十天内作出答复.


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